Thursday, January 6, 2011

First Day of Preschool

Today was Baby Girl's first day of preschool. We picked out her clothes last night so that wasn't a chore this morning. She happily got ready and humored me by "posing" for a few pictures. She jumped up and down a lot so most of them are blurry, but this one will do:

With her are her new nap mat I made last night, ladybug backpack and froggy lunchbox. She was all set to go and when we got there she found a vacuum cleaner toy and the rest was history. Sayonara mama.


  1. I love your blog header. That is so cute! Glad the first day of preschool went well. It's so hard to let them grow up. She's a cutie! :)

  2. Thanks, Ginger!! I just started the blog yesterday; something I've wanted to do for a while but didn't think I had the source material or ability to keep it up properly and make it interesting. Actually it was your blog that inspired me to say, "yes I can," so I'm going to give it a try. :O)
